Can you feel it? Can you hear it?
There is a vibrancy in Mother Nature that is about to bust out. The daffodils are showing their yellow sunshiny faces. The forsythia is popping open. The many different pink hued blossoms are beginning to show. The sun is feeling warmer than it has in months and the air is alive with new life. I find myself wanting to shed all the many layers of clothes, but it is still a little too cold for that. I feel like skipping on the grass and taking deeper breaths.
I love this time of year, it says NEW BEGINNING! It inspires me to let go of the old and bring in the new. I invites being in the moment more, because it IS so vibrant and new and fresh.
So, take some time, slow down, see the new day each day since everything is changing so quickly!
Let nature be your guide! Let nature remind you that invisible does not mean non-existent and that nothing really dies.
Life longs to be lived by us and when we say yes nothing can stop it from finding expression.
We need not ever know the HOW, just the WHAT.
So, what is your deepest longing? Let nature show you, hold it close to your heart and Let Universal Law make it so!
Blessed love, rev. frankie