Monday, November 15, 2010


Today I dwell in gratitude.  I walk my life path giving thanks every opportunity I have.
I am privileged to live this life, it is a gift from God within.
Being thankful for this gift, becomes my silent prayer.
Knowing that God is at the Source of everything, God must be before me, behind me and beside me.
I am never alone.
So walking my path with gratitude, my path then is paved with gratitude and this makes my path more filled with ease, grace and joy.
Practicing gratitude sets the Creative Process in motion.
As within, so without means that the Creative Process manifest for me where my attention is.
Because my attention is in gratitude, what is created for me is MORE to be grateful for.
Welcoming all the blessings, I release this word of gratitude, opening myself to all the good the Universe has in store for me. And I LOVE surprises!
And So It Is!

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